Prompted by an article in the August edition of popular motorcycle magazine RiDE, here at Cornish Scoots we got to thinking about the products that we offer to you, our valued customer. In the Accessories > Security category we offer a range of quality security products for your motorcycle or scooter. We have products ranging in price from under £50 to over £600, including lock & chain sets, ground anchors and disc locks.
In the RiDE article they ask the question: “Is a £25 lock really any use?” – that is a very good question and one that many existing and new motorcycle owners will ask themselves. When choosing a device to protect your pride and joy, you want something that can offer a decent level of protection. But cost considerations also come into play.
The focus of the article in RiDE was, can a budget lock and chain set offer a comparable level of protection as a more expensive product. To that end two different products were chosen, one budget product costing £25 and one well known brand product costing £125.
Cornish Scoots was interested to note that the budget product quoted no approvals, whilst the branded product claimed the Thatcham Quality Assured rating. One thing to note is Thatcham no longer test aftermarket locks so whilst the product on test probably was tested historically, any new lock and chain products will not be able to claim to be Thatcham Quality Assured. Instead you should look for the Sold Secure approval (all of the security products we offer here at Cornish Scoots have Sold Secure approval).
We aren’t going to go into the nitty gritty of RiDE’s article and testing procedure (you’ll have to buy the magazine to view that!) but we will give away the end verdict: “Dearer locks protect for longer” – and that really is the crux of the matter. When locking up your bike you want to know that, should the scumbag thieves target your property, that the resistance they meet from your chosen security device will hinder them as much as possible.
As mentioned earlier, Cornish Scoots have a variety of top quality security products . We have chosen to sell products from Squire Locks and for good reason. Their products are Sold Secure rated and come with a 10 year manufacturer guarantee. When you buy a Squire product you can be sure you are buying quality, and giving those pesky thieves a much harder job than if you bought a generic (cheap) lock.
So the old adage really applies to motorcycle security – you get what you pay for. And here at Cornish Scoots, you can be assured that you are getting top quality products, at great prices too!